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Becoming a CAB

Eu Cyber Certification relies on evaluators, laboratories and certifiers.

Certification Stakeholders
  • CAB
  • NCCA
Assessment Bodies Worlwide
on Cybersecurity assessment methodologies. They are in charge of testing, evaluating, auditing and certifying according to different schemes.
Assessment methodologies
with a global or national impact. 30 focusing on ICT products and 12 on Cloud services
EU Cyber Certification Schemes in the making

What's in for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)?

Steps to Becoming a CAB

CABs can work in EU certification schemes in 2 different ways:  as evaluators (by auditing/testing) and/or as certifiers.

They need to meet certain requirements before becoming eligible to perform such activities:

  1. Become Accredited

    In order to evaluate and certify in accordance with EU certification schemes, CABs will have to be accredited by their National Accreditation Body.

  2. Contact your NCCA

    Once accredited for a European cybersecurity certification scheme, the National Cybersecurity Certification Authority (NCCA) needs to notify the Commission of their accreditation.

  3. Certify at Level High?

    If a CAB wants to become eligible to certify an ICT solution under the assurance level “high”, it may need to meet additional requirements. 

    The procedure to meet these requirements is performed by the NCCA and is called “authorisation”. This “authorisation” needs to be notified as well to the Commission.