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Certification Library

The Certification website gathers finalized schemes as well as draft candidate schemes and reports and analysis carrying on the topic of cyber certification.

Published EU Cyber Certification Scheme

On January 31, 2024 EUCC became the first EU cyber certification scheme to be published. More will follow.

Common Criteria-based Cybersecurity Certification Scheme (EUCC) EUCC Scheme dedicated to certifying ICT products such as hardware and software products and components is published!

Reports and Analysis

ENISA aims at supporting the development and implementation of EU cyber certification through by analysis its impact on the market.

ENISA is developing a series of collateral publications around certification in order to support its apprehension and implementation.

Draft Candidate Schemes & Technical Documents

Before becoming Implementing Regulations, EU cyber certification schemes are drafted by ENISA as Candidate schemes. ENISA publishes and calls for comments on its final draft candidate scheme before handing them out to the European Commission. The European Agency for Cybersecurity also publishes technical specifications supporting draft schemes that ca be open for consultation.