- Certification Schemes
- EUDI Wallet
- ICT Solutions
- Digital Identity
Certification of EUDI Wallet
EU Cybersecurity Certification aims to establish a harmonised and secure digital identity framework that ensures seamless interoperability across the EU, while also enhancing secure and convenient digital interactions for both citizens and businesses throughout the Union.
Digital identity and Wallet in the Union
As the wave of technological advancements has transformed the private and public sectors and services alike, it is essential to propose solutions that securely identify and authenticate users in the evolving digitalised world.
In May 2024, the European Digital Identity Framework (Regulation (EU) 2024/1183) entered into force. The EUDI Wallets is a step in this direction. EUDI Wallets allow storing, accessing and sharing of personal identification data and documents, all in one easy to access application. Through EUDI Wallets, the online identification and authentication processes will be improved and address longstanding barriers in a common, safe and reliable way across Europe.
- Receiving the Request
In line with the European Digital Identity Framework, on 24 May 2024 the European Commission has requested ENISA to provide support for the certification of European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallets, including the development of a candidate European cybersecurity certification scheme in accordance with the Cybersecurity Act (Regulation (EU) 2019/881).
- Identifying Experts
On 18 October 2024, ENISA launched an open call for expression of interest of experts to join the ENISA Ad Hoc Working Group on the certification of EUDI Wallets. The call was inviting experts with extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of cybersecurity certification, digital wallets, electronic identification and trust services to apply. Following an assessment of the applications by ENISA, the members of the Ad Hoc Working Group (25 in total, plus 18 as a reserve list) were appointed by the Executive Director of ENISA.
- Ad Hoc Working Group
The kick-off meeting of the ENISA Ad Hoc Working Group on EUDI Wallets is taking place on 20-21 January 2025. Given the importance as well as the complexity of EUDI Wallets, the group is expected to convene on a frequent basis, including a minimum of 4 plenaries per year. However, more frequent meetings of the different Thematic Groups established to support dedicated work streams might be taking place.