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  • Proposal for a regulation, Request for an opinion

Candidate EUCC Scheme v1.0

This document is the version-1 of the EUCC Candidate Scheme, ENISA called on all interested parties to provide feedback on the EUCC candidate cybersecurity certification scheme. 


Publication date
2 June 2020
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
Type of Documents
  • Draft Candidate Scheme
Certification Schemes


Following the request from the European Commission in accordance with Article 48.2 of the Cybersecurity Act, ENISA has set up an Ad Hoc Working Group to support the preparation of a candidate EU cybersecurity certification scheme as a successor to the existing schemes operating under the SOG-IS MRA. This has been named EUCC scheme (Common Criteria based European candidate cybersecurity certification scheme) and it looks into the certification of ICT products cybersecurity, based on the Common Criteria, the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, and corresponding standards, respectively, ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045.

Candidate EUCC Cyber Certification Scheme v1.0


  • 2 JUNE 2020
Candidate EUCC Cyber Certification Scheme v1.0