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Publications (8)

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  • Impact assessment, Report, Scientific paper, Specific report, Study, White Paper
  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

ENISA publication supporting the development and implementation of EU cyber certification.

  • Report, Study
  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

This Report aims at presenting the current state of play of cybersecurity assessments of ICT products and cloud services. In order to study the dynamic of the related market, the report focuses on the evolution of the number of assessed ICT solutions.

  • Proposal for a regulation
  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

Report presenting the outcome of the public consultation on the first draft of the cybersecurity certification candidate EUCC scheme.

  • Proposal for a regulation, Request for an opinion
  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

This publication is a draft version of the EUCS candidate scheme (European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services), which looks into the certification of the cybersecurity of cloud services.

  • Proposal for a regulation, Request for an opinion
  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

This document is the version-1 of the EUCC Candidate Scheme, ENISA called on all interested parties to provide feedback on the EUCC candidate cybersecurity certification scheme. 

  • Evaluation study
  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

Under the CSA, the key role reserved for ENISA is to assist in the preparation of candidate cybersecurity certification schemes. In doing so, ENISA needs to interact with both EU Member States and industry stakeholders.