- Publication date
- 20 March 2025
- Author
- European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
EN 419221-5 version 1.0 “Protection Profiles for TSP Cryptographic Modules, Part 5: Cryptographic Module for Trust Services” contains requirements on FPT_PHP, which are refined in the PP towards the ISO/IEC 19790:2012 standard.
The endorsement notice in the current version of ISO/IEC 19790:2020 states that the 2012 version of the standard has been kept without any modifications in the text. When applying the protection profile (PP), the security target shall refer to ISO/IEC 19790:2020, and this change does not have any impact on the requirements and interpretations as they are in the PP.
Hardware assessment in EN 419221-5 (HSM PP) version 1